;; Config file for SYSCMD version ;; WARNING: case-sensitive ;; ;; Display modes to set by Win+Shift+F1..F12 ;; ; 700 NF + Virge DX [s3virge] [DisplayModes] 400x300x8@85;400x300x8@85;0x0x0@0;1024x768x8@75; 1280x1024x16@60;1024x768x32@75;800x600x8@60;1024x768x16@75; 512x384x16@70;400x300x16@1;640x480x16@85;1024x768x32@75; ; 15 GLI + Virge DX [s3virge] [DisplayModes15gli] 400x300x8@1;800x600x8@85;1152x864x8@1;1024x768x8@75; 1280x1024x8@60;800x600x24@85;800x600x8@60;1024x768x16@85; 320x240x16@75;400x300x16@1;640x480x16@75;800x600x16@85; ; DTS Virge DX [s3mini] [DisplayModesDTS] 400x300x8@1;800x600x8@60;1152x864x8@1;1024x768x8@43; 1280x1024x8@43;800x600x24@60;800x600x8@60;1024x768x16@60; 320x240x16@75;400x300x16@1;640x480x16@75;1024x768x16@43; ; test [DisplayModes--] 640x480x4@0;800x600x4@0;1152x864x8@60;1024x768x16@43; 640x480x24@85;800x600x24@85;800x600x8@60;1024x768x16@60; 320x240x16@85;400x300x16@85;640x480x16@85;1280x1024x8@60; [DisplayModes1] 640x480x8@75;800x600x8@75;1152x864x8@60;1024x768x8@60; 640x480x32@75;800x600x32@75;800x600x8@60;1024x768x16@75; 640x480x16@75;800x600x16@75;1024x768x16@60;1280x1024x8@60; ;640x480x16@75;800x600x16@75;1600x1200x8@1;1280x1024x8@60; 640x480x8@75;800x600x8@75;1152x864x8@60;1024x768x8@60; 640x480x32@75;800x600x32@75;800x600x8@60;1024x768x16@60; 640x480x16@75;800x600x16@75;640x480x8@72;1280x1024x8@60; ; DTS mono 14" 640x480x8@70;800x600x8@60;1152x864x8@60;1024x768x8@0; 640x480x32@70;800x600x32@60;800x600x8@60;1024x768x8@75; 640x480x16@70;800x600x16@60;1600x1200x8@0;640x480x16@75; ; 450b Virge DX [DisplayModes14] 400x300x8@85;800x600x8@85;1152x864x8@60;1024x768x8@60; 1280x1024x8@43;800x600x24@85;800x600x8@60;1024x768x16@60; 320x240x16@85;400x300x16@85;640x480x16@85;1024x768x16@43; ; 15GLi Virge DX [DisplayModes15] 640x480x8@85;800x600x8@85;1152x864x8@60;1024x768x8@75; 640x480x24@85;800x600x24@85;800x600x8@60;1024x768x16@75; 320x240x16@85;400x300x16@85;640x480x16@85;1280x1024x8@60; ; Keyboard shortcut modificator keys setup: ; key105 - for windows keyboard 105 keys (default) ; Win, Win+Shift, Win+Ctrl ; key101 - for standard 101/102 key keyboards ; Ctrl+Alt, Ctrl+Alt+Shift, Ctrl+Shift [Keyboard] ;key101 key105 ;AllowWinF1 ;AllowWinF2 ; Specify screen saver program to run by Ctrl+Win+Enter ; default: scrnsave.scr [ScreenSaver] ;webs.cmd dof.cmd ssdpms.scr scrnsave.scr k:\nt\SNC.scr ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Shortcuts definition area ;; called by pressing key combination Win+Ctrl+Key ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [Shortcut-B] show mIRC32 show TEL reg mIRC32 reg TEL reg Notepad min Notepad min Блокнот reg Блокнот hide DDE hide NSPR: hide SlaveW hide Hidden Frame hide Engine Status hide Card history hide Suggestions hide Search hide OleMainThr hide MCI command ha hide ^$ ;; Specify command processor to be run with Ctrl+Win+C ;; default: cmd.exe [Shortcut-C] ;command.com ;f.cmd run cmd.exe /k cd /d %temp% ; Type this text into current _console_ window [Shortcut-D] paste ^H^H^Hdcesp^m^J [Shortcut-E] run empty.exe * ;; FAR [Shortcut-F] run f.cmd [Shortcut-G] paste ^H^H^Hg^Mdcesp^M!gle^M ; Unhide all windows [Shortcut-H] showall [Shortcut-I] rgn reset [Shortcut-J] set paste [Shortcut-K] clear paste [Shortcut-M] run sndvol98.exe ;sv.cmd ;w+c+O [Shortcut-N] run notepad.exe [Shortcut-O] test dc3 ;run fs.cmd [Shortcut-R] rgn invert [Shortcut-Q] show mIRC32 show TEL reg mIRC32 reg TEL reg Notepad min Notepad min Блокнот reg Блокнот [Shortcut-S] run topdesk [Shortcut-T] run taskmgr.exe [Shortcut-U] ;reserved for running windowed screensaver [Shortcut-V] dialog VM [Shortcut-L] paste rebx=esi^Mg^Mdc esp^M ;g 42C540^Mdb ebp^M ;^H^H^Hdb 2a0f92c^M ;^H^H^Hdb 43ff6b^M ;^H^H^Hg^M^Jdcesp^M^Jdc12fa54^M^J ;^H^H^Hg^M^Jdcesp^M^J ;hide Zotepa ;; Quick clear mem: Ctrl+Win+W [Shortcut-W] ;empty.exe * run emp1.cmd ;cmem.exe 55 /a /n ;cmem.exe 55 /a /t /n ;cmem.exe 64 /a /t /n ;; Aggresively clear mem: Ctrl+Win+X [Shortcut-X] ;cmem.exe 60 /n /t1 run cmem.exe 40 /t1 [Shortcut-Y] clipstor ;make hole in current window under cursor ;run wt3.bat ;rgn hole [Shortcut-Z] run z.exe runn z.exe ;error (demo) [Shortcut-A] test dc ;; Remove this section to unrestrict interactive program spawning [-AllowRun] l0c,onm ,rph ,dic ,soc ,ced ,lng ,pod ,tmd,se ,pg , mon,k ,pm ,dst ,re , scr ,rap ,m , hl2,q0,q1,ns,nm,w32 ,wh,wa,db,h3,np , nw ,no ,na ,ev ,pf ,and,rec,fmon,rmon,wg , tl,nn,icq,rg,