libattr-2.4.44-7.el6>t  DH`pNf F1zAS$*xO$V0:fO6:3V Ĺۂ^ x@r$ՆpC(};ر{ɹ'Jb3|(Ao;Y. }ʭ4["܅KSO;"ERܜSw-Bٌ̮2锴m!q2AXbT(…82,?u4o:@ۉ(3503417c7d447daf237ad3b9939979c163a57e7a7Nf FPP$(Ȥ)8Æ|x rV(Ԡe7, FyvB<8ݜ粱K0+g, ֝L %wy]9)vDhxVİ-BEio|x%uy+d}k3YS#ZT foM;4zDG’ZGhr±`H3}I[B{OL _qٌ1@T8]0&Q ʶ ! O{ڰqI~ [D( -0jmݥ5ÔgݍC 4!ɼ[DB50ktR[8e$6[щ|Bi!{MĞpfG>:?d   F 'D\bhp t x    ( 8090: 0>@GHIXY\] ^>bDdefltu vwxy Clibattr2.4.447.el6Dynamic library for extended attribute supportThis package contains the dynamic library which contains the extended attribute system calls and library functions.N| BuildSystem System Environment/Libraries|iN|   @ /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/}H{?GG(n@G'F$@E@D@DDC@CCECqC}@Cm@C:C:B @AA@A$@A$@A@@j@ia@@Dw@@,@?/@>܍>6p>==0@=R]@== Kamil Dudka 2.4.44-7Kamil Dudka 2.4.44-6Kamil Dudka 2.4.44-5Kamil Dudka 2.4.44-4Kamil Dudka 2.4.44-3Kamil Dudka 2.4.44-2Kamil Dudka 2.4.44-1Dennis Gregorovic - 2.4.43-4.1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.4.43-4Fedora Release Engineering - 2.4.43-3Zdenek Prikryl 2.4.43-2Zdenek Prikryl 2.4.43-1Tom "spot" Callaway 2.4.41-2Zdenek Prikryl 2.4.41-1Zdenek Prikryl 2.4.39-1Zdenek Prikryl 2.4.38-2Zdenek Prikryl 2.4.38-1Karsten Hopp 2.4.32-2Jesse Keating - 2.4.32-1.1Thomas Woerner 2.4.32-1Jeremy Katz - 2.4.28-2Jesse Keating - 2.4.28-1.2Jesse Keating - 2.4.28-1.1Thomas Woerner 2.4.28-1Jesse Keating Thomas Woerner 2.4.24-2Florian La Roche Than Ngo 2.4.23-1Than Ngo 2.4.16-6Stephen C. Tweedie 2.4.16-4Stephen C. Tweedie 2.4.16-3Phil Knirsch 2.4.16-2Phil Knirsch 2.4.16-1Alan Cox 2.4.1-6Elliot Lee Stephen C. Tweedie 2.4.1-4Stephen C. Tweedie 2.4.1-3Elliot Lee Elliot Lee Elliot Lee 2.4.1-2Stephen C. Tweedie 2.4.1-1Michael K. Johnson 2.2.0-1Jeff Johnson 2.0.8-6Elliot Lee 2.0.8-5Than Ngo 2.0.8-4Michael K. Johnson 2.0.8-3Michael K. Johnson 2.0.8-2Michael K. Johnson 2.0.8-1- build with partial RELRO support as a security enhancement (#727307)- do not follow symlinks to directories with -h (#665049)- encode NULs properly with getfattr --encoding=text (#651119) - return non-zero exit code on failure of getfattr (#665050) - document supported encodings of values (#674870) - update project URL in package specification (#702639)- fix memory leak and possible double free (#599562)- let attr depend on the same version of libattr (#595689)- run the test-suite if possible- update to the latest bugfix release - cleanup in BuildRequires- Rebuilt for RHEL 6- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Fixed memory leaks (#485473)- New version 2.4.43- fix license tags- New version 2.4.41 - Removed useless attr-2.0.8-docperms.patch- New version 2.4.39 - Resolves #284121- Removed explicit Requires(post + postun) - Resolves #225290- New version 2.4.38 - Resolves #245415- add disttag - remove trailing dot from summary - fix buildroot - -devel package requires same libattr version - change prereq to Requires(post) - escape macro in changelog - replace absolute link with relative link ( - use %doc macro- rebuild- new version 2.4.32 - fixes segmentation fault in attr, which affects #189106- rebuild for -devel deps- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- new version 2.4.28- rebuilt- spec file cleanup - mark po files as lang specific- 2.4.24- update to 2.4.23- get rid of *.la files - remove duplicate doc files- Rebuild- Build requires libtool >= 1.5- Make* executable.- Update to latest upstream version.- Fix bug #125304 (Steve Grubb: build requires gettext)- rebuilt- Add missing %defattr- Add /usr/include/attr to files manifest - Fix location of doc files, add main doc dir to files manifest- rebuilt- rebuilt- Fix libtool- update to attr-2.4.1- update/rebuild- set execute bits on library so that requires are generated.- Redo multilib patch to work everywhere- Added fix to install libs in correct directory on 64bit machine- Made the package only own the one directory that is unique to it: /usr/include/attr- get perl out of base with attr-2.0.8-docperms.patch- Initial Red Hat package Made as few changes as possible relative to upstream packaging to make it easier to maintain long-term. This means that some of the techniques used here are definitely not standard Red Hat techniques. If you are looking for an example package to fit into Red Hat Linux transparently, this would not be the one to pick. - attr-devel -> libattr-devel/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfig'}' -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=atom -fasynchronous-unwind-tablescpioxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnuELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, strippeddirectorysymbolic link to `' RPPPPRRRRRRR R ?`7zXZ !PH6G] b2~s/VGDT I>.t1f5>gtjBUUq=-ч$"MJR%x!=OD^FޯjLtx|do4iɫSx;xسŴ&wPT6Q;nc㧋}.v/k$n]vҐCpMaLlA9:>]TgeJY 4w , R^DM9+|`C$r&h 1J:rm4`2MJh{)KR_ġ~?T$TwF,I#7 [x6(j#+o~8lT۷GMR`dJ. ;P;3uǾ%PM{貿i H ԖCZm)ALu PK:a6T Dd ?/0EYc^>H>0D􇘌x%&-yݳΣ>KM[{zcX [Q,;4PmgwN8eyɆP)r=hӝ4OBf  l/q" Pc&g_p2ܓыCu(!n8gtR@tlU/g/YcXRB6D{W>RΩPrq}.ɣiYGCPծwjel ipnj(p72YgkK> H H B~ x,IWS!:\iD_$RS ĕٍ]땆P}N>7np+:@_;' XI3#<9UDnDT%O:\k$ϷD"%ɾE\}]eJy ؈6 ~8ȸ$x(+J`~U h%o"lAqojARmvl@.i9:&Fn蹥t1dF !Ǿ~ji53mSDSn1hQ7\wtC@!emQi+3nU D)p2dHFU?,dfcm|<  87ճN I޴utU>ݧh۫B*MZZMpd|0yD"$YXMմQ(m ]lTj54E4.ʞXkoR/{dTWnSj\ nw94YI66aݜEs*_$`ʦ}|A |;Cp)! ߉G--kq73,v3:DF.WYmsokp(i.ÊY!e%[yg4!x j_{zOj6x91VXz{#_nK̿~=| 6!g{[a-`aik 7 a:=,|>DALcJ.Xid'ِ^f{0!1pg)w:;l/qҋ̖?d$ꗍ8wx+>ʹ Ru7¡$<(G3`]"ZsELч x켒P6jo$FEML-ʺ86?2#0 (ڇMwOL/@SY La1Wi f|30rj[Q}IoX[!bRa(G XQ8GހШx? 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